Blog | 18 Apr,2024

    Why Promises Are Used In Javascript




    Why Promises Are Used In Javascript cover

    romises are used to deal with asynchronous operations in JavaScript. They are smooth to manipulate while managing a couple of asynchronous operations in which callbacks can create callback hell main to unmanageable code. Prior to promises events and callback functions were used but they had limited functionalities and created unmanageable code. Multiple callback capabilities may create callback hell that leads to unmanageable code. Events have been now not accurate at coping with asynchronous operations. Promises are the precise preference for dealing with asynchronous operations withinside the only manner. They can cope with a couple of asynchronous operations effortlessly and offer higher blunders dealing with than callbacks and events.

    A promise can be created using the Promise constructor. Syntax

    Benefits of Promises

    Improves Code Readability

    Better handling of asynchronous operations

    Better flow of control definition in asynchronous logic

    Better Error Handling

    A Promise has four states:

    Fulfilled: Action related to the promise succeeded

    Rejected: Action related to the promise failed

    Pending: Promise is still pending i.e not fulfilled or rejected yet

    Settled: Promise has fulfilled or rejected


    Why Promises Are Used In Javascript

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